Well that went fast. It has been 1 month since Magnolia was closed to begin the 2022 golf course renovation of Magnolia and the Practice Facility. I can safely say, after 27 days of work, I am blown away by the progress both my Team and TDI has made. Below is are snapshots of work completed, work to come.
XGD drainage installation:
Fairways 1,3,4,5,6 and 9 have been all but completed with the installation of the 2 inch drain pipe. We anticipate the need to install more pipe in select areas as the green complexes get shaped in. But for now, these holes are complete with 2 inch drainage installation. Fairways 7 and 8 have been mostly completed with only areas where re-shaping is required left to be drained. Magnolia 2 will be the last hole to have drainage installed and we plan to begin this hole next week. As of this writing 34,380 linear feet of 2 inch pipe has been installed on the golf course. Please remember, there still is a lot of fine tuning to be done to the ground to ensure proper flow of surface water to drains. Also, water flows differently on dead grass and dirt, once the new grass is installed, water will drain different that what you may see during rain events at this stage. As we see where water flows now, we can evaluate the need for adjustments before final grading and grass installation begins.
Magnolia #7
The landing area on Magnolia 7 leading up to the green will be re-shaped to fill in the long ribbon bunker that follows the water around to the green side. The large mounds on the right side of the hole will be lowered and softened to provide a better landing area for players who want to challenge the large Live Oak on the right side of the fairway. Accurate shots will now be rewarded with a landing area that allows you to see the green and provide players with a comfortable stance to make your second shot. The approach area leading up to the green and to the right side of the green will also be widened to provide more bailout area for players that don't care to challenge the water down the left side. Once shaped, the XGD drainage team will install the 2 inch pipe throughout this area up to the green. The large diameter storm drain pipe that was exposed has been removed and replaced with a deeper pipe that runs all the way to the roadside terminating into a basin. The two new basins will now capture water at the road and move safely to the pond rather than having the open ended pipe that was a accident waiting to happen.
Magnolia #8:
The second shot landing area between the pond and cartpath, along with the rough up the right OB line leading up the green side bunker will be reshaped to provide better drainage of this notorious wet area that holds water following rain events. Once the shaping has been completed, 2 inch pipe will be installed in the fairways and rough areas along with several drain basins along the property line to help move surface water off the golf hole and into the pond. The large green side bunker will be reduced providing players a fair shot for those that come up short of the green when trying to reach the putting surface in two.
Green complex shaping:
Magnolia 3, 4 and 5 green complexes have been rough shaped in, along with bunker reshaping. The green surrounds will be the most noticeable change throughout this project. Our goal to move water off the putting surfaces, away from bunkers and into drain basins has been accomplished on 3, 4 and 5 with great success. I am excited to see how the complexes improve on the remaining holes as we move through the project. The bunkers on 3 and 4 have been reduced in size and located in strategic areas that properly penalize an arrant golf shot. The remaining areas around the greens will be shaped in such a way to move water off the putting surface and down to new basins installed well off the immediate green surrounds. These runoff areas will provide golfers great shot options from turf cut at fairway height. The option to putt, chip, flop, and bump-n-run will all be feasible within these areas. As these areas get shaped in, the short cut portions around greens will have 2 inch drain pipe installed and capped with greens mix to provide firm conditions that further add shot options to players.

Tee complex shaping:
New larger square tees have been shaped on Magnolia 3,4,5 and 6. A total of 6 tee boxes from various yardages will be available for players to enjoy. The new forward tees will be a great addition to the golf course. The new tees are much larger to provide better yardage variety and allow the Agronomy Team options to spread wear. Tee cavities have been prepped for drainage and greensmix on Magnolia 3-6. Once the 2 inch drain pipe is installed on the sub grade of the tees, 6 inches on greens mix will be installed.
Cart Path Removal:
Over 12,000 linear feet of asphalt cart paths have been removed. The base material under the asphalt has been left in place and will provide a great base for the new concrete. Some small sections of asphalt have been left in tight areas that have a lot of traffic for now. These areas will be removed once we get closer to time to install the new concrete.
Irrigation work:
With the bunker reduction some areas that were sand will now be grass. These areas will require additional irrigation coverage to properly grow the turf. The Callawassie Agronomy Team, lead by Second Assistant Superintendent Welfrie Lopez, has been following the shaping crew making the necessary irrigation adjustments and repairs. The bunker on Magnolia 3 has be drastically changed and the need for 5 new irrigation heads has been addressed by Welfrie and the Team.