Week 2 of the project is off to a great start. Many processes are now in motion throughout Magnolia, along with some drainage work on the Practice Facility.
Bermudagrass Eradication:
The Team has made our initial application to all turf surfaces with great success. We are now in the process of scalping down and removing all the dying turf tissue. The goal is to get as much sunlight to the soil surface as possible to help the grass regenerate new growth prior to our second herbicide application. We have already seen some regrowth on the greens and fairways and expect more to occur with the warm weather we are finally experiencing. We will make our second application beginning of next week to further kill off the existing bermudagrass. TDI will begin the fraze mowing process in the coming weeks to physically remove the dead bermudagrass. Following the fraze mowing process, the ground will be smoothed and prepped for the new grass to be planted.
XGD Drainage:
The drainpipe installation on Magnolia 4 fairway has been completed and drainage team has moved to Magnolia 5. TDI has been installing roughly 2,000 linear feet of drainpipe a day so far, which is just incredible to see. Once Magnolia 5 is complete, they plan to fall back to Magnolia 3. We have already seen how well this drainage works with the rain we had last week. Magnolia 4 fairway was in great shape despite almost 1 inch of rain. We are excited about how this drainage process is going to improve our overall playability. The Agronomy Team has also been busy with drainage installation around the course. So far, my team has replaced 10 drain basins with new pipes, tie-ins, and basin lids with plans to do many more. Our crew has also begun a several hundred-foot run of 6-inch drainpipe on Magnolia 3 to replace the compromised green outfall pipe. This new run will not only improve the greens drainage outfall, but also give TDI a better outfall for bunker drainage and 2 new basins to capture surface water.

Cart path removal:
Asphalt removal continues around the course. Mag 1,3,4,5,6 and 7 have been completed and the crew has begun on Magnolia 8. TDI should have all the asphalt removed by the first part of next week. Our local asphalt company has been hauling away the asphalt to be recycled. Trucks will be back on property next week to continue removing the asphalt piles off site.
Bunker Shaping:
Billy Fuller, our architect, was onsite all-day Monday and Tuesday to discuss shaping with the TDI crew. Shaping of the new bunkers and green surrounds on Magnolia 4 has begun following the visit from Mr. Fuller. The goal on number 4 is to improve to overall surface water run off around the green and enhance the surrounds to provide better playability around the green. The greenside bunkers will also be rough shaped in over the next 2 days. Billy Fuller will return next week to finalize the shaping before final grades and shapes are put in. This process will occur on each green complex along with all tee complexes and fairway bunker complexes throughout the duration of the project.

As you can see, the project has really ramped up and will continue to do so as we move into the coming weeks. I would like to express again for your safety, the importance of staying off the Magnolia course during this project. With most of the paths removed, it is now unsafe for bikers, walkers and really golf carts as well to get around. Pictures of our progress will continue to be posted on social media and the blog throughout the project. Thank you in advance for your help.
Billy Bagwell
Director of Agronomy