The first phase of any golf course renovation is always enjoyable. The demo phase is when you see the most instant change. To take what was, to the start of what it will be, goes fast and makes you sit back in amazement. We have completed the demo phase on holes 1,9,2-4 so far and the TDI team is moving to Palmetto 5-8. In conjunction with the demo phase the drainage team has been hard at work installing the 2 inch XGD drainage and new basins. The team is working on Palmetto 9 fairway now with nearly 60% of the 2 inch pipe now installed. The drainage team will soon fall back behind the shaping of bunkers, tees and green surrounds to install drain lines in that newly shaped areas.
Aerial photo of Palmetto 4 |
Aerial photo of Palmetto 2 showing fairway drainage and rough shaping |
Fairway drainage on Palmetto 1 |
Rough shaping Palmetto 2 green surround |
Rough shaping Palmetto 4 green surround |
After the demo phase, rough shaping begins and the features of the course start to really take shape. After rough shaping is completed, Billy Fuller, comes in for site visits to approve and finalize shape and contours. Once approved, drainage and final shaping of these features is completed prior to grassing. We are currently at this phase on Palmetto 3 and 4 and look to have these two holes final shaping completed and ready from grass by the end of the week.
Final shaping of Palmetto 4 green surrounds begin completed |
Palmetto 4 tee cavity ready for drainage and mix |
Palmetto 4 tee with mix and final shaping completed |
Final shaping of tee surrounds on Palmetto 4 |
Final shaping of Palmetto 3 Greenside bunker |