Friday, July 22, 2022

Week 13

 Putting green construction on Magnolia 8 and 9 is moving along.  The past two weeks the team from TDI has taken these two green complexes and transformed them into two much improved putting greens.  Below are step by step photos of this transformation and the USGA putting green construction process.  These greens will be built to USGA spec matching the other greens on the course.  This process includes mirroring the putting surface contours in the sub-grade 16 inches deep.  Once sub-grade is established, drain lines are installed throughout the sub-grade and back filled with drain rock.  A blanket of gravel is spread throughout the putting green cavity 4 inches deep.  Extra care is taken to ensure the 4 inches of gravel reflects the sub grade contours.  The gravel layer should mirror the desired putting surface.  Once the gravel is complete, 12 inches of greens mix is spread throughout the green over the gravel.  Special testing was completed prior too construction to ensure the greens mix used "bridges" over the gravel layer.  This bridging prevents the greens mix from migrating down into the gravel and clogging the drainage.  Once the 12 inches of greens mix is installed, the team from TDI "floats" the green to ensure the final product is a reflection of the sub-grade and ultimately approved by the architect. 

Magnolia 8 green complex before reshaping

Magnolia 8 putting green cavity and sub-grade prep

Magnolia 8 putting green drainage installation

Magnolia 8 putting green gravel layer installation

Magnolia 8 greens mix installation

New Magnolia 8 green complex

Old Magnolia 9 green complex

Demolition of old Magnolia 9 green complex

New Magnolia 9 green sub-grade

Billy Fuller site visit to approve sub-grade contours

Magnolia 9 green sub-grade complete and ready for drainage

Magnolia 9 drainage installation

Magnolia 9 drainage complete and ready for gravel

Magnolia 9 green ready for greens mix

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Week 12

 Grassing and grow in is now in full swing.  With Magnolia 3-7 well into grow in focus has shifted to grooming these holes to the correct mowing heights and pushing lateral growth to fill in the voids in the sprigged areas.  With the grass on these holes well established, we can now back off the water a little and dry the soil enough to allow equipment to perform routine maintenance.  The Tif-Tif sprigs have really begun to go sideways now that routine mowing and fertilizer applications are being made.  Successful sprig grow in's require routine mowing to be successful.  Mowing the grass forces the the growth sideways, thus filling in the voids.  Without mowing, too much vertical growth occurs which can lead to a thin turf stand.  We have made one topdressing application and will be making several more over the coming months to help smooth the surface and fill the voids left behind from the sprigging operation, rain fall, etc.  So far the sprigged areas on Magnolia 3-7 are looking great.  The sodded tee complexes have also firmed up enough on these holes that weekly mowing is now part of the routine.  The Zeon zoysia is really impressive and will provide a great playing surface for golf.  The tee tops themselves have been cut down to the playing height we will maintain once open.  Sand topdressing and some light aerificaiton of the tee tops will be required to level out the tees and fill in the sod lines.  Now with Magnolia 3-7 mostly complete, focus has shifted to Magnolia 1,2,8 and 9.  Magnolia 2 fairway has been sprigged and sod laid down the left hand side rough and around the green complex.  The tee complex will be completed next week before TDI moves across the road to Magnolia 1,8 and 9.  Shaping and drainage work is ongoing on those holes and the should be ready for grassing beginning next week and into the the following week.  

Magnolia 4 Tif Tuf sprigs

Magnolia 4 Tif Tuf Sprigs

Magnolia 5 Tif Tuf grow in while green sprigs being spread

Team laying Tif Tuf sod left side rough Magnolia 2 

Nearly completed sod work left side Magnolia 2 rough 

Putting Surfaces:

Wednesday was an exciting day at the maintenance facility, as the Team from Modern Turf showing up to sprig the first set of greens.  Magnolia 2-7 were ready for grass and following some last minute adjustments to the mix to ensure the putting greens were back to the original design, these greens were sprigged with our new Mini-verde turf. We will sprig Magnolia 1 green this week and Magnolia 8 and 9 greens soon once they have been built.  We expect the sprigs on the greens to take 8-10 weeks to grow in and several more weeks after that to "tighten up" to be ready to open.  

Mini-verde sprigs come in burlap bags in back of refrigerated truck

Bags of Mini-verde sprigs

Hand spreading sprigs on Magnolia 3 green

Magnolia 3 completed

Sprigs are cut in following spreading to ensure soil contact

Greens are rolled following cutting in process to smooth surface

Continuous water during daylight hours to keep sprigs hydrated is required.  

The final push

 TDI has completed their punch list projects and has begun to demobilize their equipment.  This is always an exciting time as we wrap up the...